At Results Based Nutrition in Bunbury we are passionate about seeing people achieve their health and body goals in a healthy and sustainable way. This is why we offer a “No Fad Diets’ Scientific Approach that is Customised to each client.
Knowledge of the how and why is what makes a change sustainable, so we are big on explaining everything that is implemented so you understand.
Our meal plans are set to fit every lifestyle including parents, FIFO, shift work, singles, dietary restrictions etc. Each client chooses their own foods to go into their plans so there’s no generic ‘chicken, broccoli and rice’ here – unless you ask for it!
Whatever your goal is, we can help you get on track with the nutrition plan that will get you there.
The correct nutrition keeps our bodies working and prevents Fatigue, Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease and more so you can live your best life.
Fuel your body with the right foods at the right time to imporve your metabolism and start burning fat so you can look your best!
Nutrition is what we fuel our bodies with. Put the right amount in at the right ratios to perform your best.
Composition changes are 80% to do with nutrition. When coached right you can drop body fat and build muscle simultaneously so you can hit your goals quicker.
Do you know where your metabolic rate sits? Or have you used a generic basal metabolic calculator (BRM) spits out! These, BMR Calculators give the ‘Average’ metabolism rate of a particular sex, age, weight and height plus an hour range of exercise…
If your metabolism is slower or faster than this then no wonder you haven’t had success yet! We conduct an extensive health and lifestyle assessment during our first consultation which gives us a far more accurate estimate of where YOUR metabolism sits. Medications, Medical History, Genetics, Ethnicity, Lifestyle Habits and how, when and what exercise you do are all assessed to customise everything to you and your body.
Secondly we don’t do ‘diets’. We give the body everything it needs in the minimum amount first and only then do we tweak the remaining to get the desired outcome.
There is so much information available these days that it has almost become too hard to decipher the truth around what to eat. Everybody has an opinion on what will / won’t work or the latest ‘fad diet’.
So who do you listen to?
A Personal Trainer? PT’s are given one module of education on the Australian Dietary Guidelines and are shown how to use the food pyramid to guide clients to eat better. They ARE NOT qualified to give specific diet plans, nor do they have the knowledge to understand medications, and medical history and how the physiology of the digestive and endocrine systems work unless they have done additional studies.
A Nutritionist? Did you know anyone can call themselves a Nutritionist in Australia as it is an unregulated industry? Sure, you can find a registered Nutritionist but again, the education needed to do so is minimal, and this can make their approach somewhat unpredictable. Hair follicle tests? Tonics? Food Restrictions? Is that all really necessary?
A Dietician? While dieticians are university trained, they are focused on the nutrients the body needs to sustain life in a medical sense. This does not mean they can tell you exactly what foods to eat and when to give you the specific result you are after…
Surely A GP/Dr? No doctor I know has the time to go through your food, medical history, lifestyle, training regime, what you like and don’t like to eat, and what to eat to get you to your specific goal… without an op or medication…
As a Clinical Nurse with a Bachelor of Science and additional studies in the area of nutrition we have a sound scientific understanding of the body’s systems and how nutrition can play a role in shaping our health and body’s function and composition.
We have the knowledge of medical conditions, medications and how and why these can impact metabolism.
We have the time to listen to your concerns, needs and goals while having the knowledge to relate that to why or what’s been happening or how/what to do to help.
We don’t get caught up in the latest fads but instead focus on incorporating simple nutrition in a way that is sustainable and oriented towards your goal.
Passionate is an understatement! We live and breathe nutrition and body composition so there’s nothing we haven’t seen/heard and can’t help with.
We currently are not accepting any new clients.
We know how much false nutrition information, fad diets and generic meal plans are out there offered by other “Professionals” that’s why we want to offer you a FREE 15 minute phone consultation so you can see the difference in what we do and how it works.
This is a great opportunity to speak with us so that you can feel confident in the services we offer and see that you’re not wasting money or time on another generic program that doesn’t work.
Skinfolds and
Body Composition Analysis
Comprehensive Health,
Medical, Lifestyle
and Training Assessment
Nutrition and
Lifestyle Education
1 Customised Meal Plan
1 x Full Nutrition Consult
3 x Check-Ins
1 x Full Nutrition Consult
6 x Check-Ins
Extensive Tracking Journal –
Food, Activity, Body Function and
Composition Changes,
Mindset and Goal Tracking
We currently are not accepting any new consultations.
Body Composition Analysis
Calorie & Macro Adjustments
Body Composition Analysis
Meal Plan and
Lifestyle Adjustments
Goal Setting and Review
Experience a truly personalized approach to wellness with our comprehensive assessment, tailored exclusively to you. Our in-depth questionnaire spans over 30 critical points—ranging from basic demographics like age, height, and weight to your unique lifestyle factors such as occupation, daily activities, and genetic background. We delve into your health history, considering any medical conditions and medications, to ensure a plan that’s safe and effective. Your aspirations are our priority; we align with your objectives, taste preferences, dietary restrictions, and even your habits with coffee and alcohol. Understanding your current nutritional patterns, stress and anxiety management, and supplementation routine allows us to craft a custom-fit strategy that seamlessly integrates into your life.
Fully Personalised Meal Plan
Created from an Online
Check-in using an
Online Questionnaire
Meal Plan Adjustments
Calorie and Macro Adjustments
Do you know you can lean bulk??? THERE IS NO NEED TO YO-YO!
There is a way to build lean body weight and not put on fat! If you are with a coach that goes between big calories deficits for ‘cuts’ and then puts you in a ‘growth’ phase where you gain fat…. THIS IS NOT HEALTHY for your body or mind!!!
It kills me to see people be put on calories as low as 1200 which isn’t sustainable and then gain even more back only to cycle over and over.
If you under eat this significantly you WILL lose lean body weight and you WILL lower your metabolic rate, and you WONT feel good. THIS IS NOT HEALTHY.
If you want to find out more then book a free 15min phone consult and I will explain what I do with my clients that makes us different!!
#saynotoyoyodieting #dontcrashyourmetabolism #mealplans #leanbulking #cutandbulkatsametime #sustainableresults #noyoyodieting #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #healthyhabits #learnaboutnutrition #fatloss #musclegain #youcandoit #balance #lifestylebalance #sustainableresults #notallcoachesarecreatedequal #learnthedifference #macrosmatter #recomposition ...
Not all Nutrition Coaching is about Fat Loss!
Every client is different, has different needs, different challenges, different body’s, different goals!
Find a coach that finds what YOU need and won’t give up till they get you there!
Is your coaches approach tailored specifically to you after an extensive assessment of your body composition, lifestyle, medical history, goals, needs, and training/ activity?
#customisedmealplans #nutritioncoaching #buildingbodies #gym #nutrition #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #growing #youcandoit #mealplan #bodybuilding #fromstrengthtostrength #gettingstrong #notallaboutfatloss #musclegrowth #healthybody #3800cals #fuckcancer ...
Imagine having a natural ability for something, training to get even better THEN ADDING THE PERFECT NUTRITION to fuel your body!!! THAT is when incredible results are possible!!
@maggiegoedhart has done just that and at a 40ish something age 🤫 is absolutely smashing it as a BMX rider after only being in the sport for a year or so!
State titles now.. next nationals!
#lookoutsheiscomingforyou #bmx #bmxracing #bmxstatetitles #girlpower #strong #smashingit #nutritioncoach #sportsperformance #sportsperformancenutrition #levelup #fuelyourbody #healthylifestyle #eattofuel #eattothrive #nextlevel ...
Coaching Nutrition is so rewarding!! People don’t realise just how massive a difference fueling yourself correctly can make!
That’s why we like to give back to the community when we can. We currently sponser the @monstermartialarts fight team. To be involved in a club that not only focuses on the training, but also the overall health, nutrition and lifestyle of its fighters is awesome!
With a fight coming up in just 4 weeks these guys are getting leaner to make their weight category.
This is the difference to Morgan’s body in just 8 days… and this was upping his calories!
#sportsperformance #nutritioncoach #mealplans #mealplanning #mmafighter #macros #bodycomposition #fatloss #musclegain #growth #leanmuscle #youcandoit #nutrition #healthylifestyle #fuelyourbody #makeweight #bjj #coachingathletes ...
You can be putting in all the hard work and effort to training…. But when you match the nutrition to exactly what your body needs… that’s when the magic happens!!
#bodybuilding #girlpower #womenwholift #powerlifting #bodycomposition #nutrition #nutritioncoach #mealplanning #macro ...
11 weeks Between Photos!
#growth #musclebuilding #recomposition #bodycomposition #buildaback #gymlife #youcandoit #nutritioniskey #macros #mealplans #musclegrowth #leanmuscle #gains #resultsbasednutrition ...
Supplement Hamper made for an amazing cause! If you’re free on the 15th of October go and support the @jamie_pearson_memorial_cup soccer match! @wa_police @wapolicesportsfederation @fitstop_bunbury
#support #bulknutrients #soccermatch #maxinesburn #showsupport #bunburyunitedsoccerclub #bunburyunited #bunburypolice #worthycause #win #winsupplements #gottabeinittowinit #15october ...
DONT WASTE TIME NOT SEEING RESULTS. We can’t get time back, Get the Nutrition on point now and start seeing and feeling the changes within weeks!! #muscle #bodytransformation #leanbulking #nutritioncoach #dontwastetime #getprofessionalguidance #mealplan #getresults #changeyourlife #grow #fatloss #musclegrowth #bodybuilding #youcandoit #tailorednutrition #performancenutrition #sportsnutrition ...
The continuous failure circle of guilt and shame on the Diet Cycle can be incredibly damaging.
So how do we end this Viscous Cycle? How do we take control and get off this continuous loop??
Well, Education and Knowledge about how and why the body is responding the way it is!
You see, we are all so harsh on ourselves saying ‘I self-sabotage’, ‘I have no will power’ etc… but that’s actually not correct. Your body is just responding to its energy needs by making you crave high energy foods.
So the flaws are not with your will power or motivation… it’s with the plan of attack.
Unless you have the scientific knowledge of why your body does what it does then it easy to just blame yourself.
Society today is so focused on eating less that they forget our metabolisms move.. and our bodies are designed to respond to anything we do to it in order for survival! So… feed it less- metabolism lowers and you use less.. and if you feed it less it is only natural our body will start to crave high energy/ high Gi carbs and high fat foods to fulfil its energy need!
When you give your body everything it needs first and only then tweak what’s remaining to get whatever response you want, that’s when your body will respond as it should!
Do you want to stop this cycle? Come and book a consult now and get the no bull/no fad info on how your body works with what foods, and get a customised meal plan to suit your lifestyle, needs and food preferences that WILL work for you!
#sciencebasednutrition #sciencebasedtraining #nutritionknowledge #knowledgeispower #nutrition #nutritioniskey #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthyliving #learnaboutfood #knowhowyourbodyworks #mealplans #nofaddiets ...
Are you sick of trying to decipher through ALLL the information out there regarding what/when/where/how/why you should eat ?!?!?
At Results Based Nutrition we WANT you to understand all of that!! We spend time explaining everything to you and fitting a program to YOU! This is what makes the change sustainable.
There are no fad diets or secret tricks here.
What do we do?
In a Full Nutrition Consult….
1. Get an extensive medical, work, training, supplements/medications, lifestyle history from you.
2. Use the Evolt360 and skin folds to accurately determine your current body composition (weight alone means nothing unless you know what the weight is made up of eg. %fat and %lean body weight)
3. Look at what you are currently eating and drinking when.
4. Determine YOUR actual metabolic rate using all of the above info gained from you- NOT a generic BMR calculator that may not even come close!
5. Explain exactly how and why what you eat and when you eat it can work for you.
6. Sit with the client and figure out what foods they like that will work for them and when to eat them!
Do you want to stress, guilt and unknown taken out of what to eat to help achieve your goals??
PM us now !
#fatloss #nutritioncoach #nutrition #bodycomposition #toomuchmisinformation #faddietsdontwork #healthy #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #youcandoit #knowledgeispower #nutritioniskey #mealplan #mealplanning #bodybuilding #buildmuscle #losefat #metabolism #metabolicrate #whattoeat #healthyeating #individualized #sustainable ...
A Nutrition Coach doesn’t just give you a meal plan…
It is so much more than that!
A good coach can make obtaining your health and body goals easy and enjoyable!
At Results Based Nutrition we approach EVERY SINGLE CLIENT in an individual, science-based and holistic way.
- Complete body composition analysis every appointment including an @evolt360 body scan and 9point skin folds.
-Assess changes and quality of energy, sleep, hunger, mood, and training improvements in endurance, strength, weights, reps etc.
- Encourage questions as we want you to understand exactly what we are implementing and how/why it will work.
-Tailor make each plan around YOUR metabolism, training style, work, activity, goals, family and lifestyle, using foods that you actually enjoy!
- Advice on training techniques, and ways to improve your performance and results.
- Advice on supplements and how to use them effectively.
- As a Registered Nurse I also understand medical conditions, medications and chronic disease and illness and can not only provide education on these things but also advise on courses of action for you to take when needed.
(Eg. Understanding and explaining blood results, Diabetes Management, Cholesterol etc)
- Help you to Goal and Mind set in a way that helps you feel motivated, empowered and successful for each step of progress made.
-Encourage healthy lifestyle balance and help you to navigate social, emotional and psychological barriers that may impact you achieving your goals.
#notallcoachesarecreatedequal #holistic #comprehensive #health #healthylifestyle #youcandoit #wholepackage #results #betterbodycomposition #betterhealth #mealplans #healthyliving #balance #sustainability #diabetes #fatloss #musclebuilding #compprepcoach #bodybuilding ...
Unstoppable Series #2
Such a great crew and a fun and supportive environment to either get fit or keep fit!
#fitnessmotivation #fitfam #supportivecommunity #getstronger #livelonger #health #healthylifestyle #healthyandhappy #youcandoit ...
SPONSORED ATHLETE @noah_staines backed by his coaches @monstermartialarts brings home the gold in an MMA event yesterday!
This kid has all the potential in the world and implements everything he is told.
He is now on almost 5000 calories a day!!! More than double what he was having when I first took him on… AND is more lean body weight and less fat!
#mma #monstermartialarts #dreamteam #allbasescovered #nutrition #performancenutrition #premiumfuelpremiumperformance #foodisfuel #championinthemaking #hasitall #nutritionandtraining ...
Nutrition Coaching & Education
On-line and In Person
-Fat Loss
-Health and Lifestyle
-Sports & Performance ...
Changing your habits around food can literally mean more or less years lived!!
Important yeah?
You could go to someone who will print you off a meal plan from a program…. But what have you learnt? How do you make it fit your life, personality, tastes, culture etc?
Unless you learn how what foods do what to you, how, and why then you will have to live off a plan your whole life!
For any changes to be sustainable and give you freedom of choice you need to understand! Anyone can give you a ‘fish’ but I want to teach you how to fish for yourself!!! So you get results… but know why and how! This is freedom!
For only $360 you can get a starter pack. This includes the first full consultation, assessment, education and meal plan. It then includes 3 check ins. When used over the first 6 weeks you should be well on your way to creating your own lifestyle plans!
Message for more info, or book with the book now button. 😊
#healthylifestyle #beatingchronicdisease #mealplans #nutritioncoach #easierthanyouthink #educationispower #dontwait #addyearstoyourlife #nutritioniskey #beatheartdisease #reversetype2diabetes #lowercholesterol ...
Terms & Conditions..
-Must order before 12pm for same day delivery
-Free delivery if order over $100, or $5 delivery fee applies.
-Includes Bunbury area from Australind to Dalyellup!
#supplements #freedelivery #proteinpowder #bunburysupplements #supplementstore #supplementsdeliveredtoyourdoor #pmus #soeasy #bunburydeliveries ...
Thankyou all for your support and well done on all of your amazing results!!!
#merrychristmas #timetorelax #enjoy #balance #lifestyle #memoriesovermacros ...